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Sarasota STD Testing

3501 Cattlemen Rd Suite D Sarasota, FL 34232 Phone: 1-800-456-2323 Hours: Show Hours ▼ Hide Hours ▲
6:30 AM - 3:00 PM
6:30 AM - 3:00 PM
6:30 AM - 3:00 PM
6:30 AM - 3:00 PM
6:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Start the process of getting results by ordering STD testing by phone at 1-800-456-2323 or online. Test in as few as 9 to 11 days in 34232 after exposure with our exclusive HIV RNA test that detects HIV in blood.

Or call a Health Specialist at 1-800-456-2323

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 Sarasota STD testing locations

Step 1 - Order Test

By phone or online. Select one or more from individual tests or a 10-test panel.

Step 2 - Visit Test Center

Test in less than 5 minutes. Choose one of our 4,000 nationwide testing sites nearest you.

Step 3 - Get Your Results

Get your straightforward STD test right now! Test results will be sent by email in 1-2 business days.

Same-Day Confidential STD Testing

We will not ask you questions when you arrive for your test. We don't exclude Hepatitis A from our exclusive STD test panel the way other online testing specialists do. All payments to will be shown as FPK Services on your statement to safeguard your privacy.

Use the information we post on our blog, Exposed, to stay current about everything STD-related. With physician- managed testing, you are always safe. You can get tested privately with the same tests used by hospitals at any of our testing centers.

We have testing center in your area - simply enter your zip code in a search box to start. Since our labs test for other conditions, your reason for visiting the centers will remain confidential. We are completely sure you will get the best consumer-friendly experience when you visit our labs, they are designed to give you the level of service we would expect when we use them ourselves.

Sexually Transmitted Infections Morbidity Data for Sarasota, Florida

The health department of Florida and the federal government gather data every year about STD and HIV infection rates and transmission categories in Sarasota. By getting enlightened, you help stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases by protecting yourself against them.

  • In 2012, men aged 20-24 accounted for more than 3,100 gonorrhea infections in Florida.
  • In 2012, Florida reported 22,065 chlamydia infections in men.
  • Duval County had the fourth highest number of gonorrhea infections in 2012.
  • The estimated rate of HIV-related deaths in Florida was 15.6 per 100,000 people in 2010.
  • Florida HIV/AIDS infection rates among inmates in federal or state prisons are about 3 times the national average.

The thing about waiting to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases is that other things come up and you forget, in the meantime you could be infecting others with chlamydia, HIV, syphilis, herpes or other infections - get tested now and know for sure.

STD Test Pricing

Fast, Private & Affordable
Our panels are carefully designed by our physicians to provide you with complete peace of mind.

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Very quick and easy. I went to the lab the same day and was in and out in 5 minutes. I received my results in 24 hours.

STD testing centers Near 34232

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