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Durant STD Testing

1706 Delivery Lane Durant, OK 74701 Phone: 1-800-456-2323 Hours: Show Hours ▼ Hide Hours ▲
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Each test we offer in 74701 comes with results delivered within 1 to 2 days. All STD tests that we offer are FDA-approved / cleared and safe.

Or call a Health Specialist at 1-800-456-2323

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 Local STD testing in Durant Oklahoma

Step 1 - Order Test

Purchase over the phone or on our website. Choose from targeted tests or our all-inclusive 10-Test Panel.

Step 2 - Visit Test Center

Tests only take a few minutes. There are over 4,000 test centers across the country.

Step 3 - Get Your Results

Test results are delivered by email within 24 to 48 hours. Our testing is guaranteed private and quick.

Fast Confidential STD testing Centers

Our system has been vetted by diagnostic specialists and guaranteed to give you correct results. Purchase your STD testing, visit one of our 74701 testing centers, and get closer to knowing your results, all in the same day. We offer convenient testing locations all over Durant, Oklahoma and more than 4,000 STD testing locations throughout the United States.

Our weekly blog, Exposed, gives you an easy way to educate yourself on the topics available about STDs and testing. All of our STD testing is hospital-grade so you never have to sacrifice quality to get great prices. Your safety is the top priority of the physician who carefully oversees your testing.

No other testing provider has better Durant STD testing. We test for chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time using our exclusive chlamydia-gonorrhea test panel which screens for both infections. Our FDA-approved / cleared syphilis Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) test searches for syphilis in the blood and gives you test results in 1-2 days.

Durant, Oklahoma STI Data

The Durant area is included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s annual report on the communicability of STDs. If you are uncertain about your STD status, taking an STD test is the only way to learn what it is.

  • In 2010, 27.2% of late HIV diagnoses in Oklahoma was diagnosed with AIDS in less than 12 months.
  • In 2011, Oklahoma had an estimated rate for blacks of 45.7 cases of HIV infection per every 100,000 blacks living in the state.
  • In Oklahoma, there was a 3.7:1 ratio of black males living with HIV infection to white males in 2010.
  • In 2010, 8% of males that were found HIV positive in Oklahoma contracted their disease from injection drug use.
  • In 2011, the percentage of women diagnosed with HIV living in Oklahoma almost reached the national average in females which was 20.9%.

Unsafe sex can lead to incurable diseases and lifelong side-effects, like infertility, blindness, and liver damage. Contraceptives are important to safe sexual practices but don't protect you from diseases spread through skin-to-skin contact.

STD Test Pricing

Fast, Private & Affordable
Our panels are carefully designed by our physicians to provide you with complete peace of mind.

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Very quick and easy. I went to the lab the same day and was in and out in 5 minutes. I received my results in 24 hours.

STD testing centers Near 74701

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