Do Males or Females Have More STDs?

Overview of STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can be spread by way of sexual contact with a person that is infected. These diseases can affect people of all ages and backgrounds and can have severe consequences if left untreated. The most common types of STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. Other types of STDs include human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), hepatitis B, and HIV.

It is important to get tested for STDs regularly, especially if you are sexually active. Many STDs can be cured with antibiotics if detected and treated early. We’re here to answer the question, do males or females have more STDs? So let’s go!

The Prevalence of STDs by Gender

Studies have established that women have a higher biological risk for contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV than men, with a higher probability of transmission from men to women. This is due to the fact that the female reproductive system is more vulnerable to infection than the male reproductive system.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) illustrates that in 2020, there were 1,260.9 chlamydia infections per 100,000 youth ages 10-19 among women compared to 845.2 chlamydia infections per 100,000 youth ages 10-19 among men. Similarly, there were 541.3 gonorrhea infections per 100,000 youth ages 10-19 among women compared to 369.4 gonorrhea infections per 100,000 youth ages 10-19 among men.

The CDC also reports that people aged 15-24 acquire half of all new STD cases each year. Girls are most at risk due to their biology and social factors, such as gender inequality or lack of access to healthcare services. Transgender people are also at an increased risk for STIs due to biological factors and the stigma and discrimination they may face when seeking medical care or testing for STIs.

Both men and women need to be aware of the risks associated with STDs and take steps to protect themselves against infection, such as using condoms during sexual activity or getting tested regularly if they are sexually active.

Who Has More STDs Males Or Females?

Who Has More STDs Males Or Females?

It is not possible to accurately determine which gender has more STDs. This is because there are many factors that come into play when assessing who is most likely to get an STD, such as the level of sexual activity and the number of partners. In addition, different types of STDs may be more prevalent among one gender than another.

Research suggests that certain risk behaviors, rather than a specific gender or demographic, can make someone more susceptible to contracting and transmitting an STD. These include: having unprotected sex with multiple partners; engaging in anal or oral sex; sharing needles; using drugs or alcohol before or during sex; and engaging in commercial sex work.

The CDC estimates that there are over 20 million new cases of STDs each year in the U.S., with approximately half of those affecting young people between the ages of 15 and 24. The CDC also reports that women are more likely to experience long-term health consequences from an STD, such as chronic pelvic pain or infertility.

The optimal way to defend yourself from STDs is to practice safe sex by always using a condom, getting tested regularly, and being honest with your partners about any past sexual activity. Additionally, it’s important to get vaccinated against certain types of STDs if you are eligible. By following these tips, both men and women can reduce their risk of contracting an STD.

The bottom line is that STDs can affect anyone, regardless of gender. Therefore, it’s important for all sexually active individuals to take steps to protect themselves by practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly. While there is no clear answer, do males or females have more STDs? We hope this article helps you out.

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Author: STD Check Editorial Team

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