Koala Chlamydia
Koalas are one of Australia’s most iconic animals, and their population has been in decline for years. One of the primary causes of this decline is chlamydia, a bacterial infection that can cause blindness and infertility in koalas. In an effort to save the species, Australian scientists have begun vaccinating wild koalas against chlamydia in an ambitious field trial in New South Wales. It has been all over the news recently. Several huge media outlets have covered the koala chlamydia outbreak, but we decided to chime in as the leading STD testing company in the US. While Koalas aren’t indigenous to the United States, we all love koalas. They’re cute, and we need to help the population out.
Overview of Koalas and Chlamydia
Koalas are marsupials native to Australia, inhabiting eucalyptus forests along the eastern and southeastern coasts. They are known for their unique appearance, with gray fur and large round ears. Koalas feed on eucalyptus leaves, which provide them with essential nutrients but also contain toxins that can harm their health.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that affects both humans and animals. In koalas, it can cause conjunctivitis (eye inflammation), leading to blindness, bladder infections, and infertility due to cysts in the reproductive tract. It is spread through contact between individuals or contaminated food sources such as pap (a eucalyptus leaf).
Impact of Chlamydia on Koalas
The impact of chlamydia on koala populations is significant: up to 100% of some populations have tested positive for the disease. This has led to a decrease in fertility rates and an increase in mortality rates due to blindness and other complications caused by the infection. In addition, koalas infected with chlamydia may suffer from pain and discomfort due to cysts in their reproductive tracts or eyes, making it difficult for them to move around or find food sources.
History of Koala-Chlamydia Research
Research into koala chlamydia began more than 20 years ago when scientists first identified the bacteria as a potential threat to koala populations. Since then, researchers have been working hard to develop treatments and vaccines that could help protect these vulnerable creatures from this deadly disease. Recently, Australian scientists have begun vaccinating wild koalas against chlamydia in an ambitious field trial in New South Wales—the first time such a vaccine has been used on wild animals—in hopes of saving this beloved species from extinction.

Why Do Koalas Have Chlamydia?
Koalas are susceptible to infection with the bacteria chlamydia, which is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). The primary cause of chlamydial illness in koalas is a natural occurrence, but human activity can also increase the risk of koalas contracting the disease.
Natural Occurrence of Chlamydia
The bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydia and naturally occurs in many species, including koalas. In wild populations, chlamydial infection can occur due to contact between infected and uninfected individuals or through transmission from mother to joey during birth.
Human Activity
In addition to natural occurrence, human activity can increase the risk of koalas contracting chlamydial infections. Koala habitats are often fragmented due to urbanization and other land-use changes, which can lead to increased contact between infected and uninfected individuals. Additionally, human-induced stressors such as habitat destruction and climate change can weaken koala immune systems and make them more susceptible to disease.
Transmission of Chlamydial Infection in Koalas
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is particularly devastating to koala populations. It can cause blindness, infertility, and urinary tract infections, sometimes leading to death. The transmission of chlamydial disease in koalas can occur through direct contact with infected animals, environmental contamination, and stress as contributing factors.
Direct Contact with Infected Animals
The primary way that koalas contract chlamydia is through direct contact with other infected animals. This can happen when two infected koalas mate or when an uninfected koala comes into contact with the bodily fluids of an infected animal.
Environmental Contamination
Koalas can also be exposed to chlamydia through environmental contamination, such as contaminated water sources or soil. This type of exposure is more common in areas where large numbers of infected koalas live close together, such as in captivity or overcrowded wild habitats.
Stress as a Contributing Factor
Stress has been identified as contributing to the spread of chlamydial infection among koalas. Stressful situations such as overcrowding, lack of food resources, and extreme weather conditions can weaken the immune system and make it easier for the bacteria to take hold and spread throughout the population.
Symptoms and Complications of Chlamydial Infection in Koalas
Koalas are vulnerable to chlamydial infections caused by the species Chlamydia pecorum. This infection can lead to various symptoms and complications, including respiratory, genital, gastrointestinal, ocular, and reproductive issues.
- Respiratory Symptoms: Koalas infected with chlamydia may experience coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.
- Genital Symptoms: Infected koalas may show signs of genital inflammation or discharge from the urogenital tract.
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Koalas with chlamydial infections may suffer from diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
- Ocular Infection and Blindness: Chlamydial infection can cause conjunctivitis in koalas, leading to blindness if left untreated.
- Infertility or Death in Severe Cases: In severe cases of chlamydial infection, koalas may become infertile or die due to complications from the disease.

Treatments for Chlamydial Infection in Koalas
Koalas are facing a severe health crisis due to the prevalence of chlamydial infection. Chlamydia pecorum is the species of bacteria responsible for most infections, leading to ocular and urogenital/reproductive issues. Treatment options for koalas with chlamydial infection include antibiotics, surgery to treat ocular diseases, stress reduction techniques, and vaccines as possible treatment option in development.
Antibiotics are a standard treatment option for koalas with chlamydial infection. However, antibiotics may not be enough to cure the infection if it has been present for an extended period of time or if the koala’s immune system is weakened. In these cases, surgery may be necessary to remove any cysts or abscesses that have formed due to the infection.
Stress reduction techniques are also essential when treating koalas with chlamydial infection. Stress can weaken their immune systems and make them more susceptible to infections. Therefore, providing a safe and comfortable environment for koalas while they are being treated for this condition is important.
Finally, vaccines are being developed as a possible treatment option for koalas with chlamydial infection. A trial vaccine has already been administered successfully on hundreds of koalas in Australia, and further research is being conducted to determine its long-term effectiveness in treating this condition.
Overall, several treatments are available for koalas with chlamydial infection, which can help reduce their symptoms and improve their quality of life. It is crucial that we continue researching new treatments so that we can help protect these vulnerable animals from this devastating disease.
Can Koalas Spread Chlamydia To Humans?
Yes, koalas can give chlamydia to humans. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease in humans, and a different strain of the bacteria can infect koalas. This strain can be spread through contact with an infected koala’s urine or feces. It is also possible for humans to contract the disease from livestock that koalas have infected.
In recent years, the koala population has been threatened by an outbreak of chlamydia that has spread widely throughout their population. To help combat this issue, actor Russell Crowe donated a new medical ward in Australia to treat koalas with chlamydia. Australia has begun vaccinating hundreds of koalas against the disease in a trial program.
It is vital to take precautions when interacting with wild animals, including koalas, to avoid contracting any diseases they may be carrying. Check out our dedicated articles about chlamydia symptoms and chlamydia tests.

Koala STD
Koalas are beloved animals in Australia, and unfortunately, they are facing a severe threat from chlamydial infection. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause painful eye infections and blindness, bladder infections, and infertility in koalas. The infection rate in some populations of mainland koalas in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria can be as high as 100%.
To help protect koalas from this devastating disease, Australian scientists have begun vaccinating hundreds of koalas against chlamydia in a trial program. This experimental vaccine is a single-dose injection with the hope that it will reduce the severity of symptoms caused by the infection. In addition to vaccination efforts, researchers are exploring other treatments, such as antibiotics and probiotics, to help treat infected koalas.
We must continue researching ways to protect koalas from chlamydial infection and raise awareness about this issue. We must take action now to ensure these beautiful animals remain part of our world for generations.
Medically Reviewed by Erin Zinkhan, MD, BSBE on May 8, 2023
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