Cities with Highest STD Rates
The team has tested thousands of people across the U.S. for STDs over the years. While we don’t hang on to the personal information of our patients, we do keep track of anonymous statistics, like which STDs are the most common based on the results gathered at our 4,500+ nationwide testing centers.
We recently took a look at the top 50 metropolitan areas in the country and put together a list of which cities have the highest number of overall positive STD test results per capita. The results are based on a sample size of 90,000 patients over the course of two years. Based on our completely anonymized data, how does your city measure up?
STD incidents include the following eight STDs in our study:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Herpes 2 (HSV-2/Genital Herpes)
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- HIV-1
- HIV-2
- Syphilis
Oral Herpes (HSV-1) and Hepatitis A data were not included because herpes 1 is freakin’ everywhere (seriously, 50-80% of the population of the entire country has oral herpes), and hepatitis A is more likely to be contracted in ways that are not sexual in nature.
Top 10 Cities in US with STDS
We are happy to compile a list of cities with the hightest std rates. It’s what we do. The top 10 cities with the most positive STD results in the United States per capita include:
- Austin, TX
It is not too surprising that the “Live Music Capital of the World” is on the top of this list (and their sexual partners, clearly!). Austin is home to SXSW, the infamous 6th Street strip of bars and nightclubs, Lake Travis (which has its very own nude beach, Hippie Hollow) and, of course, scorching hot summertime temperatures made for wearing as little clothing as possible. Let’s not forget the University of Texas– With more than 52,000 students from all over the world getting to know each other, it is probable that the campus is a big factor in the high rate of positive STD results coming out of the Lone Star State’s capital city.
- San Francisco, CA
Most of the news articles you’ll read about San Francisco these days have to do with the amazing advancements coming out of neighboring tech hub Silicon Valley or the sky-high rent for an apartment, but another sky-high number San Franciscans should be worried about is the quantity of positive STD tests coming out of the City by the Bay. Statistically, the instances of HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the original LGBT Mecca are going down, so clearly you’re doing something right, but according to the numbers, the drippy, bumpy, and burning STDs are out and proud in San Francisco. Whether your idea of a good time is partying all night in The Castro, seeing the “sights” in North Beach, brunching in Potrero Hill, checking out bands no one has ever heard of in the Mission, or playing beer pong with your bros in the Marina, just know that it is important now, more than ever, to wrap it up if you’re getting down in San Fran.
- San Antonio, TX
San Antonians pride themselves on the small town feel of their city– a truly impressive feat in a state whose motto is literally “Everything is bigger.” While that small town feel may make it easier to get around for residents and visitors, unfortunately, the same thing seems to be true for STDs. It seems the residents of San Antonio are riding a lot more than the roller coasters at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and they have the positive STD tests to prove it. The Riverwalk is beautiful and the restaurants serve some of the best Tex Mex in the state, but maybe the next time the Spurs win a playoff game, San Antonians should use the money they saved on that free coffee at Valero to buy a condom. Wrap it up, people!
- Miami, FL
C’mon, Miami. We know it must be really hard to fight temptation with the thousands of visitors who flock to your city to show off all the work they did in the gym all winter. We get it. With scantily clad people walking the sidewalks during the day and world famous nightlife including celebrity-packed clubs and topless spectacles like King of Diamonds and Tootsies, sex is par for the course in the Magic City. Most people don’t get tested for STDs while on vacation, though, so we have to assume that it’s the residents of Miami who are contributing to the dubious honor of being included on this list. (A little souvenir left behind by an out of town hookup, perhaps?) From now on, let’s try to make sure the burning sensation you’re experiencing is the kind that’s cured with aloe vera, not penicillin.
Top 10 cities for STDs
5. New York City, NY
We all know that New York is the city that never sleeps, but apparently, while New Yorkers aren’t sleeping, they are sleeping around. The Big Apple is the largest city in the U.S. and has been pretty much forever (or at least as long as the census has been keeping track of that kind of thing), so it makes sense that the City would be on the list of the highest rates of positive STD test results per capita. Just because it makes sense, though, does not make it a good thing. Maybe New Yorkers need to worry less about avoiding the germy poles on the Metro and avoid the germy poles of their fellow New Yorkers. When it comes to preventing STDs, you don’t want to fuhgeddaboutit.
6. Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia is basically the birthplace of the United States and is currently the sixth largest metro area in the country. It’s also sixth on our list of the highest positive STD test results per capita. Philly is in the Top 10 cities with the most Tinder users, too. Coincidence? Maybe. If you ask us, it’s not always so sunny in Philadelphia. Log off of Tinder and worry a little less about who has the best cheesesteak (our money is on Tony Luke’s) and worry a little more about preventing the spread of STDs in the City of Brotherly Love.
- Atlanta, GA
The next time you’re thinking of visiting ATL, just remember that “Hotlanta” is a hotbed for STDs. With the influx of young professionals in the past few years, Atlanta STD rates have skyrocketed. If you’re going roll out the Southern hospitality, you need to roll on a prophylactic. Whether you’re Outside the Perimeter or on any of the millions of Peachtree Streets throughout the A, sex it up responsibly. Ask yourself: What would Baton Bob Do?
- Chicago, IL
If there is one thing Chi-town is not shy about, it’s sex. We wonder if Chicagoans are weirdly inspired by the spitting LED faces at the Crown Fountain… or from seeing hot dogs all day. Either way, make sure your next walk of shame doesn’t require a Miracle Mile trek to the doctor’s office. Cover up those wieners because being ranked 8th on the cities for most positive STD cases per capita is nothing to be proud of.
- Dallas, TX
Acronym after acronym comes to mind when thinking about Dallas: DFW, JFK, STD…. People don’t call it “The Big D” for nothing, right? Apparently people in “the Big D” aren’t wrapping up the little D because STD rates are high enough to include a third Texas city on our list. Just because Dallas is famous for cowboys, doesn’t mean you have to put the STD in stud, Dallasites. If Big Tex knew how many people in Dallas tested positive for an STD, he would take off his 95-gallon hat and hang his head in shame. Everything may be bigger in Texas, but in the case of being the only state with more than one city on this list (and three at that!), it’s definitely not a good thing. All we know is that the people in Dallas seriously need to practice safer sex and pass us a fried oreo, please.
- Washington, D.C.
If Honest Abe were alive, he’d tell the residents of Washington, D.C. to get it together because DMV made our list of the highest positive STD test results per capita. You’d think that with all the senatorial shenanigans going on around the Hill, residents of our nation’s capital would be well-aware of the dangers of unprotected sex, but STD rates are soaring. Maybe putting a massive rubber on The Monument would remind Washingtonians to practice safer sex.
It’s a fact that no matter what U.S. city you reside in, you can help stop the spread of STDs by getting tested, knowing your status and practicing safe sex.
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Author: Nick Corlis
Nick Corlis is a writer, marketer, and designer. He graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, with a degree in Digital Communications. Nick is proud to be able to help eliminate the stigma of STD testing through his writing and is always trying to advocate the importance of your sexual health. Before STDcheck, his favorite way to develop his writing skills was by accepting various writing jobs in college and maintaining multiple blogs. Nick wears many hats here at STDcheck, but specifically enjoys writing accurate, well-researched content that is not only informative and relatable but sometimes also contains memes. When not writing, Nick likes to race cars and go-karts, eat Japanese food, and play games on his computer.