{"title":"Would you like to receive individual results as they come in?","price":"29","image_url":"https:\/\/www.stdcheck.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/12\/partial-results-delivery-image.png","content":{"first_content":"We understand that waiting for test results can be an anxious time.","second_content":"For an additional $29, you can now opt to receive your test results as they become available \u2013 no more waiting for the entire panel to be completed.","first_title_for_list":"How Does It Work?","items_for_first_list":[{"item":"Once you opt for this service, we prioritize the processing of your tests."},{"item":"As each test is completed, we\u2019ll immediately send you the results, so you\u2019re not left waiting."}],"second_title_for_list":"Why Choose Partial Results Delivery? ","items_for_second_list":[{"item":"Faster Peace of Mind: Get individual test results as soon as they\u2019re ready."},{"item":"Stay Informed Sooner: Early knowledge of any positive or abnormal results can help in quicker decision-making for treatment or further testing."},{"item":"Flexibility: This option gives you control over how and when you receive your information. Remember, our standard delivery without the additional fee will still provide you with all your results at once, as soon as they are all available."}]}}